Title: Hoary Author: with_rainfall (Mistrali) Characters/Pairing: Gandalf, Cirdan Rating: G Warnings: N/A Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien owns everything, I make no profit. This is purely for fun.
Title: Making Progress Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Frodo, Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: Falling Like a Rain of Flowers Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: When Evening in the Shire was Grey Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: Fire and Shadow Both Defied Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf, Saruman Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: A Back that Bent Beneath its Load Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf, Elrond Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: Old Man in a Battered Hat Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: From Northern Waste to Southern Hill Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
Title: The Finest Rockets Ever Seen Author: SilverStarSpray Characters/Pairing: Gandalf Rating: G Warnings: None Book/Source: Silmarillion, The Hobbit, LotR Disclaimer: Tolkien's the genius, not me.
I wasn't really happy with what I posted last week for "sell" and felt that I could write something that had a bit more bite. So here it is, my redo of sell - A Training Agenda - Reduox.